Located on Bradman Drive in Woongarrah, this house features a garage positioned in front of it.
Woongarrah, 2259
🛏 4
🛁 2
🚗 2
Open Vacancies: 3
A house on Kippax Street with a garage and grass in front of it in Cameron Park.
Gillieston Heights, 2321
🛏 4
🛁 2
🚗 2
Open Vacancies: 2
A house on Kippax Street with a driveway and grass in front of it.
Cameron Park, 2285
🛏 4
🛁 2
🚗 2
Open Vacancies: 4
A beautiful home for sale on Karangali Street in the suburbs of NSW, specifically in Edgeworth.
Edgeworth (1), 2285
🛏 4
🛁 2
🚗 1
Open Vacancies: 3
A house on Kenakan Street with a car parked in front of it.
Edgeworth (2), 2285
🛏 4
🛁 2
🚗 2
Open Vacancies: 1
A brick home on Karangali Street with a driveway and grass.
Edgeworth (3), 2285
🛏 2
🛁 1
🚗 1
Open Vacancies: 1
A Cliftleigh home with a garage and driveway on Allman Street
Cliftleigh, 2321
🛏 4
🛁 2
🚗 2
Open Vacancies: 2

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